What to Do When She Blocks You: 3 Best Tips
In modern relationships, digital communication plays a significant role. From texting to social media interaction, much of how we connect with others takes place online. But what happens when that connection is suddenly cut? The feeling of being blocked by someone you care about can be really depressing and confusing. It has kept many men wondering, “What to do when she blocks you?” Astrologer Mukesh Sharma opines with tips on how one can handle the situation with elegance and humility. Here are three tips to get through that emotional chaos, coming stronger at the other end.
1. Understand the Reason Behind the Block
First of all, to answer this question-understand what to do when she blocks you-it is necessary to find out the reason for such a desperate action from her side. It’s a lot easier to jump to conclusions and make the worst assumptions, but taking a moment to reflect upon what happened will be able to provide insight.
Astrologer Mukesh Sharma says, “Blocking is an emotional act in response to something deeper. It could be because of some fight that just happened, some misunderstanding, or perhaps something that has been building up over time. Knowing the cause will help in understanding the issue, and in case given another chance, one can work upon it better when getting reconnected.
Astrology can be a very useful guide for understanding her emotions, too. The water sign-she may be Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces-will always be more sensitive and emotional by nature. Fire signs like Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius may block in an impulsive moment but then regret it. Knowing her sign might give you some insight into why she blocked you and how to approach the situation when the time is right.
It’s essential to remember that though understanding the reason behind the block is crucial, it doesn’t mean you immediately start contacting her. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is just give her space.
2. Give Her Space and Time
One of the most important parts of discerning “What to do when she blocks you” is respecting her decision and giving her space. As much as your instinct might be to contact her through other means, it could backlash and push her further away from you.
According to Astrologer Mukesh Sharma, “The bottom line is patience. She blocked you, that means she needs time to cool down, reflect upon, or simply keep herself away from the scenario. Continuous reaching out, more so from other means or channels, may give the vibes of desperation or intrusion.
Use this no-contact period to invest time in yourself. Do things that make you happy, like working out, hanging out with friends, or maybe a hobby. Besides helping to take your mind off the immediate pain, it shows her you respect her decision and that you’re very well capable of giving her the space she needs.
Astrology can help with this process. According to your sign, you will be more apt to do certain things in an upsetting or emotional time. For example, if you are an air sign, such as Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, you might overthink the situation, leading to unnecessary stress. This is where grounding practices, such as meditation or time in nature, may help you get balanced again.
Remember that separation does not necessarily mean the end of everything. Perhaps it may be that opportunity wherein you both can reconsider and come back into the situation with your heads held higher.
3. Reflect on Your Actions and Prepare for Future Communication
And the final thing that can be added to “What to do when she blocks you” is utilizing this time for self-reflection. Consider what could have been the reason for this block and if there was something from your end-some action or words-that could have triggered this. In the end, self-awareness can definitely lead to personal growth and improvement in your relationships.
Astrologer Mukesh Sharma says that you use this period reflecting on how you communicated, what emotional calls were made, and how you generally behaved in the relationship. Are there times when you were judgy, dismissive, or inattentive? Are there unresolved issues you chose to avoid and silently put a lid on, for whatever reason? In fact, understanding these aspects will save you from repeating the same mistakes in the future.
Once she unblocks you-which may take some time-if she ever unblocks you and you get to speak with her again, be cool and open. If an apology is at all called for, make sure to state your feelings using “I” and not blaming her:. For example, instead of “You blocked me for no reason,” say, “I felt hurt and confused when I was blocked, and I’d like to understand how we can move forward.”
Astrology can also help point out how to have this conversation. If she’s an earth sign-d Crawly, Virgo, Capricorn-she may want it practical and straightforward. If she’s an air sign, there may be less resistance to an intellectual, rational discussion.
Ultimately, this means rebuilding the connection in a healthy and respectful way, provided that’s still an option. But even if the relationship isn’t continued, you will have gained valuable insights that will serve you well in future relationships.
Being blocked by someone one cares about is really distressing. And the question of “what to do when she blocks you?” seems to be one every man struggles with. However, having a reason, giving space, and reflection can make one handle this difficult situation wiser and more mature.
Astrologer Mukesh Sharma therefore suggests patience, looking within oneself, and personal growth. Be it in continuation or not, these steps will be helpful in having a better partner and more self-aware individual. The next time you say, “What to do when she blocks you?”, remember these three tips and approach with a cool, open heart.